Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Costly Romp in the Clover

Yesterday, Edward's eyes were looking puffy and he had a bit of a rash on his legs. It looked somewhat like poison ivy so I gave him some Benadryl and he used Ivy Dry. He seemed a bit better last evening and he went out and ran 8 miles.

Then this morning, he called me at work and told me he could hardly open his eyes. Now he never complains about anything - he runs 10 miles in 10 below temperature, runs up 200 foot dunes and runs 10 K in 95% humidity and NEVER misses school. So I knew it must be bad. I asked him if he could breathe. I called my mother-in-law. I left work and went right home to see it and what I discovered was confluent red edematous papules with edema and scattered crusts. In laymen's terms, he looked like an oval-shaped bowl of reddish oatmeal with 2 black eyelash slits for eyes and hair coming out of the top! His neck, chest, stomach & legs were covered, too. So we went to the doctor, she looked him over sympathetically, prescribed a 2 week dosage of prednisone, and checked his eyesight which was still better than 20/20 though a bit foggy.

Who has time to remember "leaves of 3, leave them be" when one is looking for one's golf ball in the weeds?


Bob said...

Oh, ouch! Poor guy! I'll be praying for some quick relief.

Anonymous said...

Where's a picture? Or wouldn't he let you take one...

Jewels said...

Actually, he would, he was game, but by the time I had time after work to do it, the swelling had gone down so you would not have gotten the full effect.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a little prednisone to cure what ails you. It is the upside of poison ivy!! :)

Hope Edward is rapidly regaining his health and will be "in the clover" again very soon.

Aunt Becky