Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Beauty of 2014

Here are some of the favorite photos I took during each month of 2014 for this last day of the year post. It's getting harder to pick a favorite photo for each month so I picked a few for each month. When you hear statistics such as 10% of all photos taken have been taken in the past year and every 2 minutes we take as many photos as the whole of humanity took in the 1800's, it's easy to see why. (I have taken probably 12,000 alone this year). When I do take pictures at an event of friends or family or other beautiful things, it helps me to remember them and I am so thankful for all these moments. And I remember He is present even in the times when I am not hyper-aware with my camera. May God bless you and His face shine on you in 2015. Let it be so.


01-14 Grand River-0798-Edit-2-1
John fishing in the snow on the Grand River.

1-14 Snowy Owl-0281-Edit-1
Snowy Owl in GR


02-14 sem pond-0398-Edit-27
Bridget jumping in the Sem Pond at Calvin College.

02-14 orchid-0412-17
Orchids for Valentine's Day


03-14 Florida-0977-Edit-1

03-14 Florida-1003-Edit-166

03-14 Florida-0922-Edit-2-Edit-1
Tiffany's wedding in Florida


04-14 california-1658-Edit

04-14 california-1654-Edit
Santa Monica Beach, California

04-14 Bridget Birthday-1828-Edit
Bridget's Birthday


05-14 BA Senior Exhibition-1929-Edit

05-14 BA Senior Exhibition-1930

05-14 Maria Calvin Grad-3003
Sacred Dimensionality (Maria's Senior Art Exhibit)

05-14 Maria Calvin Grad-3159-Edit
Maria's Graduation


06-14 poppy-3590-Edit
My friend Faith's French Bulldog puppy

06-14 flowers-3393-Edit

06-14 flowers-3392-Edit


07-14 Dock pix-4991-Edit
The Dock Family

2014-7 dykhouse-5557
The Dykhouse Family


2014-8 Josh& Hannah-7164

2014-8 Josh& Hannah-1162

2014-8 Josh& Hannah-6552-Edit
Hannah & Josh's Wedding

8-14 Baltimore-7604-Edit
A fun, colorful photo on a street corner in Baltimore, the city where Maria moved.


09-14 Seattle-7879
Edward in front of his apartment in Seattle

09-14 Seattle-7886-2
Ferris Wheel Reflections

09-14 Seattle-7978
Pike Place Market

09-14 Seattle-8041
Seattle Skyline


10-14 Apotheker-99167-Edit
Ruthie, Miriam & Simon

10-14 VanVliet-9357-Edit
The VanVliet's (that one time when their dogs were all looking at me)

2014-10 Bridget & Friends-9672-Edit
Bridget & Friends

2014-10 Fall-0234-Edit
Japanese Maple in our front yard


2014-11 Thanksgiving-0630-Edit-Edit
Maria & Bridget in Baltimore and the heart in the middle.

2014-11 Thanksgiving-0454-Edit
Maria & Bridge overlooking Harper's Ferry

2014-11 Thanksgiving-0390-Edit
Maria & Bridget amid the ruins of St. John's Episcopal Church.


2014-12 West Point-0708

2014-12 West Point-0732-Edit

2014-12 West Point-0776-Edit
Heather & Vincent's wedding at West Point

2014-12 Christmas-0853-Edit-2
Bailey, the Queen Mother's Golden Doodle

2014-12 Christmas-0829

2014-12 Christmas-0856-Edit-2-Edit
Edward's Golden Birthday

All good things to you in 2015!