Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Favorite Photos from the Year

2013 has surely been a fun and beautiful year! I picked out some of my favorite photos from each month and remember now what a good way that is to remember all of the blessings God has given. A blessed 2014 to all of you!!!


mosaic January
Sparkling winter beauty on a sunny day


Bridget in the snow

wintercardinals -
Cardinals on the deck


Edward after the Irish Jig 5K



Heidi & Steve--2
Flower girl at Heidi & Steve's wedding

Laguna Beach

Santa Monica Beach


bridget graduation-4666-Edit-50
Bridget's graduation

Dogwood Blossoms

bridget prom-4473-Edit-37
Bridget & friends before Prom


notre dame-4989-Edit-1
Father's day at Notre Dame

06-13 flowers-4844-Edit-Edit-13
Peonies in our garden

06-13 Toronto-5099-Edit-34
USS Niagara in Toronto

06-13 simon & emily wedding-6317-2-Edit-543
Simon & Emily's wedding

06-13 simon & emily wedding-6015-Edit-188


07-13 allie cat-6889-Edit-1
Allie Cat

07-13 allie cat-6952-Edit-3


07-13 sleeping bear-7114-Edit-3-26
Seagulls at Sleeping Bear

08113 Notre Dame grad-7741-Edit-66
Ed's graduation at Notre Dame

08113 Notre Dame grad-7920-Edit-59

08-13 Bridget @ Calvin-7952-1
Bridgie leaves for Calvin


09-13 The Sweet Robinettes-8463-Edit-2-208
Maria & roommates

Bridget & friends


10-13 Bridget & Friends -9028-Edit-2-11
Bridget & friends

09-13 Edward Good-Bye-8751-Edit-6
Edward leaves for Seattle


11-13 fall-9693-Edit-12

11-13 fall-9757-Edit-2-3
John reflecting

11-13 fall-9659-Edit-1

10-13 Fall pix -9160-Edit-2-22

10-13 fall-9270-1

11-13 fall-9837-3


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Christmas Day, Edward's birthday in Celeryville

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Edward!

Christmas Day, 2013

We picked Ed up from the Detroit airport on Christmas Eve and made it in time for the night time family party.  The next day, we celebrated his 24th birthday in style.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Silent Night, Holy Night

How you see is what you see. And to see rightly is to be able to be fully present—without fear, without bias, and without judgment. It is such hard work for the ego, for the emotions, and for the body, that I think most of us would simply prefer to go to church services. - Richard Rohr

Monday, December 23, 2013

Light the Candle, Christmas is Coming!

We had some terrific ice storms late last week and into the weekend. Though the walking and driving through it was a bit sketchy, it made for some sweet photo opps.

Monday, December 16, 2013


12-13 christmas-9919-Edit-9

"Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be the roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance."


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Friday, December 13, 2013

Flash Back Friday

In June of 1990, John & I & 6 month old baby Eddie were among a quarter of a million people in Boston in the Charles River Esplanade to hear Nelson Mandela just 4 months after he was released from prison. I'm briefly in this video behind the stroller at about 30 sec. then Edward at about a minute, then you can hear children singing and then Lady Blacksmith Mambazo singing and then Nelson Mandela speaking. A little better view starts at around 4:40... you may not hear much but the atmosphere was exciting!

edward 6mos maine