Sunday, August 27, 2006

Canoeing to Church

This morning, after the prayer service, John discovered there was a park nearby where you could take a canoe out of the water. The Grand River flows right in front of our church and the park where we have our outdoor sevice. So John asked himself, how would Daniel Boone get to church? We put our canoe in about 1.5 miles upstream at Riverside Park at a little before 5pm and arrived at church by 5:40pm. As we paddled downstream, I saw how the light was dancing off of the water when you looked toward the sun and I thought what a blessing to see this.

june 062
John getting ready to launch

june 071
Doing the hard work in the back

june 072
Approaching downtown.

june 073
A new perspective on our band which was warming up.

The kids met us at the park in plenty of time for the 6 pm service. Pastor Henry talked about the Kingdom that will last forever, and we celebrated the Lord's Supper in the grassy park. We walked up to the pastor individually to take the bread & wine and I realized later my feet were bare like the original disciples.

And this is one of the great songs we sang:

Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I've wondered at Your gift of life
And I'm at that place once again.


Anonymous said...

Wow Julia! This is awesome! What a lot of work you must put into this. I think it is great. Your pictures are amazing! You must have a nice camera. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you and your family. You are such a blessing to MCC!

Jodie Gritter

Jewels said...

Thanks Jodie - it doesn't take too long anymore and I do love to take pictures, so it's fun.