Sunday, February 03, 2008

What Living Free in NH Looks Like

Is it Art, Social Commentary, or Photo Essay? I think he's trying to tell us that life in New Hamphire is more dream-worthy than that in California because for one, you have ice fishing. But what do I know? Or that song comes to mind, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things, doesn't belong..." Or did you notice that there are three different species of fish? This photo is such a conversation piece! I could frame it and put it on my wall next to the sad little blue man.

Note: These fish were all caught from under the ice and eaten and not photoshopped onto the above picture. And yes, Uncle Alan is taking credit for the catch.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I see 4 fish in this picture! The big one is called a "sleeping Bluebeard". However, since it's a tropical fish, I don't understand how it got up here in our Northern waters! Got any ideas?

Jewels said...

No, that's the sleeping grey beard and I think it came from his aquarium.

Unknown said...

I hope you have a release from the model on file....

Must have been a slow photo day.

Anonymous said...

My take on this......Cousin Al maintaining his distinct position as the Conger Cousin with the best sense of humor. The picture cracked me up and I knew IMMEDIATELY it was our adorable Cousin Al! Why? Because only he would do that......and we love it.

Jewels said...

Uncle Al- Well, I don't have it per se. But I did warn you and I am blood relation and I can remove it if you want...

Jodi- Very true!

Dine With Donna said...

We were on your parents boat when your mom and I saw something that looked like this large aquatic species swimming with a beautiful mermaid. We decided it might be a mermaster. We both searched for information on that and it was to no avail. Sorry I can't offer any
help with the classification!

Jewels said...

Donna Did it have a gray beard?

Dine With Donna said...

I could swear there was a very strong resemblance to what your mom and I saw that day! Sometimes when hair gets wet it gets darker so I am not positive about the color of the beard. Your mom and I first thought a sea lion went astray and came north. Seems someone should be able to sleuth this.

Roadcrosser said...

Let's see, if you put that picture next to the blue guy, and the blue guy was replaced with a sunflower, where did those two pictures go?