Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Yesterday morning, I looked out of the window at work at a new winter wonderland. Sharon seemed a bit envious of me going home to walk in the snow, but she could have been egging me on.

I set out for an afternoon walk determined to enjoy the day. One old man behind a snow shovel asked me if this was Merry Christmas or Bah Humbug. I thought it was too soon to tell. I forged on. The snow was really packy and did not seem one bit icy. It was also laying very gently on the tree branches.

Then, I had one of those feet out from under you moments where you think a thousand thoughts in one split second - oh, this is going to be a bad one, oh, oh, my leg doesn't bend that way, oh, what does the casting situation look like when you've broken 10 bones, and oh, how will I get all the way to the hospital from here? When I hit the pavement though, I sort of bounced - you know, before anyone could see me. I think the need to remain anonymous at this point actually turned the road into rubber. It's going to be a long winter.


ELK said...

so glad for bouncing ! you need chains :0 love the snow lady?

pearlie said...

It's snowing already? I can't tell...

Dine With Donna said...

I have viewed the world from that position of my anatomy. Oh those wounds of pride!

Anonymous said...

Don't you love those unexpected close ups with the ground! I've had my share!