Thursday, December 06, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Maria smiling out in front of the orthodontist office. She gets the bottom braces off next month.

I have come to know and love the orthodontist staff over the years. They have a coffee machine in their waiting room and I feel at times that it is especially for me. (It's not, I know.) I like to dispense my advice on flavors and I have noticed they have kept the the southern pecan flavor on hand, thank you. This is the time that I wait and actually get to read Newsweek or Gourmet or People magazines, so maybe someday, I will miss it. When I had to make some future appointments for Maria & Bridget, they jokingly said, "You don't mind coming in every week, do you?" I thought about it and said, "No I don't mind at all".


Unknown said...

Southern Pecan - what about Green Mountain brand English Toffee Cream? BTW we have a very good coffee shop in Keene - you must visit me again.

Jewels said...

It is a Green Mtn coffee machine, but I don't think they make that flavor anymore do they? I hope we can come again sometime for coffee in Keene!

Annette Gysen said...

I can't honestly say that I love the staff yet--but I do know them well since we're on kid #2. I probably could feed a small third-world country on what I've paid for straight teeth. And I'm definitely in the wrong occupational field; the staff at our ortho work Monday through Thursday noon. But I'm glad it's been a positive experience for you, Julia.

Jewels said...

Annette- Coffee machines help, but I also think the staff at our ortho really love being there.