Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank You!

The cousins enjoy their annual intense thank you note writing session at Grandma's.

I wanted to illustrate here how intensely thankful I am for all my blog readers as this year draws to a close! Sometimes I think I'm just about blogged out, but then like the Energizer Bunny, I keep on going. I am so thankful for the friends I've made through this blogging adventure and the friends and family I can keep up with because of it. If I were to run into you on the street, and you were to ask me what's new, I would likely reply, "Nothing." But when you blog a little bit each day, it all adds up to an amazingly colorful little portrait of how life is in your part of the world. It is so wonderful to have a place to show somebody my actual photographs. Thank you for reading about our part of the world, for looking at the pictures, and for every comment you make.


Anooja said...
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Anooja said...

its been nice knowing u too…
ur family, ur life, ur adventures, and of course ur part of the world.

ive never had an overseas blogger friend... its been very nice knowing u.

what i saw in your blog, changed a lot of my perspective about the people of the united states

-the shift key is still not working, so the casing-

in india here, the majority adhere very strongly to our culture, values and traditions, are religious, divorce is very very rare, the life of the youth is very different , and so on .
the general perspective we have about the west, is that u guys lead a fast life, family values are different, young people are very independent and so on.

but, after going through your blog, I can see that it is very contrasting, to the novels we read, the movies we see and the general perspective we had.

god bless you and your family, jewels

thanks to you too, for such a nice blog and u r a nice photographer

phew..that’s one big comment

Jewels said...

Hi Anooja,

Thank you for the long comment! Our media certainly portrays a different set of values than what the majority of people have here. Here in the midwest though, we are very conservative. Unfortunately, the divorce rate in the US everywhere is too high and affects many people. I work part-time for a marriage initiative which is trying to change this trend.

God bless you Anooja. You should do a search on the web to see if there is a way to fix that shift key. Sometimes, things get funky b/c of something that was downloaded, but maybe you checked already!

pearlie said...

and you were to ask me what's new, I would likely reply, "Nothing." But when you blog a little bit each day, it all adds up to an amazingly colorful little portrait of how life is in your part of the world

That is an excellent way of putting it! We both started blogging about the same time, though you started first and I have so far accomplished what I have set out to do - to add on bit by bit a day of my life into a tapestry as a witness of how God has worked in my life.

Thank you Julia, for being a friend - even though we have not even met personally - which will happen one day!!!

Jewels said...

Hey Pearlie - You're definitely my longest blogging buddy, and I'm sure we'll meet someday.