Saturday, March 17, 2007

Around the World in 8 Minutes

om 007

om 011 om 013 om 020-2
om 016 om 019

om 028

Maria's Odyssey of the Mind team competed today at the regional tournament. OM is a creative problem solving competition where teams are encouraged to come up with solutions by thinking out of the box. The majority of this team has been together since 2nd grade and they work well together.

At the awards ceremony, they found out they got 1st place and are going on to the state competition in April! John & I left after they got their medals since Mom & Dad were coming. Then, after we left, they were awarded the most coveted prize in all of Odyssey of the Mind, the Ranatra Fusca, for extreme creativity! The dress Maria has on is the one she made out of a sheet which she dyed yellow.


pearlie said...

Congratulations!!! Is this under school?

Jewels said...

Yes, there were over 90 teams from schools in our region there yesterday.