Monday, March 05, 2007

Stuck in the Everlasting Winter

I have been thinking that Michigan has perhaps detached itself from the rest of the continental United States and is now floating somewhere perilously close to the Artic Circle or at the very least, near Greenland's icy mountains. I suppose if this did happen, it would be all over the news though. We are still dealing with slippery roads, snowblowers, big piles of snow and cold. It occurred to me today that it might not seem quite so unbearable if I didn't insist on marching around stubbornly in a light windbreaker just because it is March.

feb27 002
This is our actual sidewalk on Sunday, March 4.

Someone in church yesterday thanked God for the changing seasons because they always show us something new. This is true. I think from now on, I will think of the changing seasons as the miracle that they are, and I can't wait for Spring.

Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Acts 14:17


Anonymous said...

Another seasonal quote:

When you are reluctant to CHANGE, think of the beauty of the seasons.

Thanks, again, for calling me to walk on Sunday.


Jewels said...

Your favorite quote about the seasons! :) Hope you got the thingy in the mail.

Anonymous said...

the 'thingy' didn't come yet....

you know it had to go downtown first and then back to our neighborhood...



Jewels said...

What a waste of gas!

pearlie said...

This is true. I think from now on, I will think of the changing seasons as the miracle that they are, and I can't wait for Spring.
I will wait for the next rainstorm then ;) good perspective!

Roadcrosser said...

Snow snow;
covering the place.
It's snowing with cards
Did you get an ace?