Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sisters By the Sea

june 134

When we were down in the Outer Banks taking pictures of my three sisters and me, somebody suggested the blog title, "Sisters by the Sea". The power of this two word alliteration actually goes well with the drama of the picture of my two daughters above. It looks like something from a romance novel!

Below is the picture that title was intended to go with - there is no sea, but we are still near it. We had coaching to tell us how to tilt our heads and it was a good time.

june 101

The picture below shows all the sisters with Mom by the Sea:

june 081

And with Dad by the Sea:

june 083

Friday afternoon, I was down on the beach with the girls after the others had left for home, and together we saw the best show of all. There were dozens of dolphins swimming just beyond where the waves were breaking, and suddenly, from under the surface, they started jumping out of the water 2 by 2, their complete gray bodies glistening in the sun like fireworks during the day. Each time, they were greeted with oohs and aahs by the spectators on the beach. And I thought of the Chris Rice song, "Hallelujahs".

A purple sky to close the day
I wade the surf where dolphins play
The taste of salt, the dance of waves
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs

A lightning flash, my pounding heart
A breaching whale, a shooting star
Give testimony that you are
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs

Oh praise Him all His mighty works
There is no language where you can't be heard
Your song goes out to all the Earth
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

O cratered moon and sparrow's wings
O thunder's boom and Saturn's rings
Unveil our Father as you sing
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs

Oh praise Him all His mighty works
There is no language where you can't be heard
Your song goes out to all the Earth
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

The pulse of life within my wrist
A fallen snow, a rising mist
There is no higher praise than this
And my soul wells up
O my soul wells up
Yes my soul wells up with hallelujahs

Oh praise Him all His mighty works
There is no language where you can't be heard
Your song goes out to all the Earth
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

We left the Outer Banks at 6:30 am and arrived home just before midnight, so it was a big day of driving! As we drove in to Michigan, I was thinking of how it feels when you fly in to the USA from foreign soil, and I thought of the clever word play one of my sisters used to describe our Dutch-immigrant Dad's arrival - "The Nether has landed, the Nether has landed", and it always makes me laugh when I think of this. We weren't even at mile marker 1 in Michigan when we were greeted by a 20 foot blow-up Uncle Sam advertising fireworks for sale, and I thought, that's Michigan for you. Hallelujah, we're home.


Anonymous said...

Love the poem and all your comments on the trip. It was a great family experience and we loved it!

Anonymous said...

Again, you can never have to many pictures - life goes by so fast you need to capture it at all times. Loved the poem and pictures.
