Thursday, June 29, 2006

Beauty and the Beach

Last evening, our family went out to Lake Michigan with this cool nature-loving guy from our church who had little round glasses and looked like he popped off of the page of an Eddie Bauer catalogue. We also met our pastors out there with their family for a small group study on the beach. The theme of the evening was God in Creation.

When we got there at about 7 pm, the Visitor center at the State Park was closed and all around was quiet except for the birds and our voices. We walked down a long path through the woods and then down a dune to Lake Michigan and I was amazed that there were no people on the beach except for our small group. We sat on the beach and looked at several texts in the Bible about how Creation was used or talked about. It was awesome to be able to hold the soft sand and feel the cool wind and warmth of the sun and listen to the waves and sounds of the rustling dune grass and see the startling beauty while we were talking about our Creator. I remember Amy talking about how we can only see about 10% of the colors on the spectrum and what will that be like when we are in heaven and see them all. I was telling them that I think I had a dream once where I saw some of them and my kids reminded me that this actually comes from a Chris Rice song..."deep enough to dream in brilliant colors I have never seen".
As it got later, we became rather chilled sitting there. Our kids were so happy and content as we piled up in the Volvo to drive home. Instead of going to the nearby "Whippy Dip" for ice cream, we stopped at the gas station for Hot Chocolate. John had not had supper, so he got a couple of gas station hot dogs which he gave me a few bites from. They were the best tasting hot dogs I have ever tasted!

For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17

june 016

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice description of a beautiful evening!