Monday, September 20, 2010

ArtPrize 2010

One of the things that makes Grand Rapids one of the Coolest Cities to live in is Artprize. This is the second year of Artprize and our church, Monroe Community Church, is once again a venue. Many of us spent the whole day this past Saturday helping the artists whose work we are showing set up. So exciting!

I took this from up in the lift.

Yesterday in church, Pastor Henry interviewed Brian Whitfield during church and talked with him about his Artprize piece, "Midnight Sunday Morning." He talked about John 17:6-18 where Jesus prayed for his disciples to be in the world, not of the world. Brian's piece, influence by Picasso's cubism, shows images of jazz musicians in a Saturday night club morphing into singers in church on Sunday morning. The line does not always seem clear between the two.


Incidentally, Brian is the graphic designer behind the coolest cities logo! Grand Rapids really is one of these - I wasn't making it up!

Over the next few weeks, I'll feature more of the work we are showing at MCC.

1 comment:

spread your wings said...

i am so excited to come here today and see all of this about the Artprize. I would love to come and see it in person but how great of you to share so much of it with us. at first scroll through I see there are so many fabulous pieces of work. can't wait to take my time and view all that you have shared. thanks!!