Tuesday, August 11, 2009

MDW Island Retreat

This past weekend, I went on an MDW with Maria and Bridget. MDW is Bridget's name for our mother-daughter weekend. We went to Kelleys Island in Lake Erie and stayed at my mom & dad's condo there. Mom had told me that we would be on island time there and it was true! We felt like a whole week had been lived in the span of a weekend! We had a wonderful time!

We had fun with mom & dad... we saw some awesome sunflowers and had white pizza and watched Julia Child bake bread on the Create channel and heard about the Living Bread in the little island church and took pix in the rain and rode big yellow bikes and went swimming in the new pool and and ate lots of ice cream and did the O-H-I-O cheer and Hung on Sloopy...

Today, I'll post some sunflower photos:

sunflower w vig
sunflower3 sunflower2 sunflower5


Deirdre Honner said...

Wow. How. Much. Fun. !!

ELK said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Anooja said...

Looks like you had a nice weekend..I like the idea of MDW.. sounds great...
alas, i shall not have any, coz i have two sons :)I would love to have had a daughter.
Seriously i think the mother daughter bond is very special.The bond i have with my mom is so different from the one my brother has with her. He loves her too, but its different. Mom and me are more like friends now. We share a lot of things and we are much closer than we were, when i was younger (read adolescent/ teenager/early twenties :))


Sister Paula said...

love the pictures of the sunflowers. the colors are beautiful

Sister Paula said...

It was a GMDW. don't forget about grandma!

spread your wings said...

sounds like a really nice weekend. love the sunflowers!