Saturday, February 03, 2007

Top 12 Reasons Why I Needed to Do This

2007 02 02 006
Where I actually post a picture of myself in a bathing suit (?)

12. It is 15 degrees F outside today.
11. I clean up little muddy puddles of melted ice every day this time of year.
10. I had just walked 2 miles in 15 degrees F.
9. All the broken bones I've had get achy in the cold. Come to think of it, even the bones I didn't break get achy.
8. I worked so hard this week that I had Friday off.
7. I had to catch up with my friend and adopted sister Lori.
6. If you lay in the snow and then jump in the hot water, Lori says it cleans your pores. (We really did this).
5. I dropped off 6 big heavy bags of old newspaper in the Paper Gator recycling thingy and as long as I was out and about...
4. The kids were in school.
3. After I snowblowed the driveway today, my fingers were so cold that ice cubes felt warm. That was weird.

2007 02 02 018_edited-1
2. The snow coming down as we sat in the hot tub was beautiful. Soon, we had an inch on our heads. I actually put the camera on the tripod and ran barefoot in the snow for these shots because it sounded like a fun thing to do and it was fun.

And reason #1. I was preparing for this on Saturday:

2007 02 03 001
Saturday at noon: we are in the midst of a blizzard. This shot taken out our back window does not capture the intensity, so later I may venture out in my boots to capture some. When the blizzard unexpectedly hit, I was in Panerra Bread with my friend Annette. We looked out the window and it was completely white. I suppose it wasn't totally unexpected - I just didn't believe it would really come! And now already, everything for tonight is cancelled.


Annette Gysen said...


You look awesome in a swimsuit! Way to go!

Jewels said...

Woohoo - it's the one John doesn't like. Hence, I can only wear it hot tubbing :)