Saturday, October 14, 2006

Speedy Sailors

cc 081-2
They're off!

The South Christian Sailors ran today over at Calvin College at the Christian School Invitational where about 7 Christian high schools from Michigan competed. This was our last Saturday Invitational so hang in there. Today, we were privileged to have Aunt Susan & Uncle Paul, Grandma & Grandpa G. come to watch also. It's always good to have "Auntie Susan" come because she points out fun things like how "cute" Edward looks.

cc 096
Edward using his all to cross the finish line.

It was such a fine Saturday afternoon with the beautiful puffy kind of clouds on top of the blue sky that make you happy; and with the leaves changing in their bright fall colours, I was about ready to bust open. Thus, we also went to our nephew Stephen's soccer game; he plays for Calvin College. We sat in the stands with Grandma & Grandpa G. and Uncle Paul & Auntie Susan, drank coffee, and clapped. I overheard a lady in front of me talking and using deductive reasoning, I realized it was a blogger I've read. I did not want to cause a nerd scene with the relatives in earshot, so I kept quiet. Oh well.

cc 127-2
Nephew Stephen

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