Monday, October 02, 2006

God is Good

"When things are going bad, that does not mean that God has stopped doing good. It means He is shifting things around for more good... He works all things together for good for those who love Him."

-John Piper & Romans 8:28

Today, we had some fantastic thunder showers - the kind that make you feel cozy even in your office at work. It was so dark and grey out, and Sharon told me her son over in Milwaukee had clear blue skies. They get our weather about 3 hours ahead of us, so we knew this is what was coming, and sure enough, by afternoon, it was sunny.

Maria told me that in high school today, the electricity went out and the kids all broke out in great cheers. Then, one second later, it went back on which caused them all to groan. Really, shouldn't that be the other way around?

I'm getting so old.


Bob said...

I love John Piper! Where'd you get that quote?

Jewels said...

This quote was referred to in another book I read, but the footnote says it came from The Pleasure of God (Multnomah, 1991, pg 189, 191) I have read 1 or 2 of his others and thought they were very good.

pearlie said...

Hi Julia,
Thanks again for Piper's words - it has been very encouraging.

the electricity went out and the kids all broke out in great cheers.

I would too! haha!
but ... ehhem ... you shouldn't, get back to work ...