Sunday, July 16, 2006

Worship on the Waterfront

We had our church outside today and the day was a hot one. Some thermometers were registering 100 degrees as we drove down at 4 pm to set up. But that is no reason for complaint. Our violinist, Diana, just got back from China, and she was telling us how Christians there in Bejing had to worship in basements and they COULD NOT SING for fear they would be found out. And there we were outside in the broad daylight singing praises to God. By the time our service started at 6 pm some clouds blocked the sun and a beautiful breeze was wafting in off the river. Edward has started playing his cello with the band (pictured below).



Anonymous said...

Dear Julia,

How wonderful to have church outside! Tell Edward, we are so proud of him with his playing and hope he is always so enthausatic about sharing his talents.

pearlie said...

Hi Julia,
Wow ... that is so cool! Certainly wish I were there.

Anonymous said...

Great job Ed - what a beautiful experience, I'm sure.