Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Oh Say, Can You See?

june 006
Don't they look happy celebrating their independence?

We went for our traditional "Sailing Day" today for the 4th of July with John's mom & her husband, Geof. It was a gorgeous, sunny day in the 80's and we enjoyed our annual ritual. John's mom threw me for a loop though when we had hamburgers instead of hot dogs and bratwurst :) We sailed around the large Muskegon Lake for 3 hours because Lake Michigan was too rough today.

When we arrived home, I went for a walk and found a firework on the church property that hadn't been set off. I brought it home and was so excited to set it off. I made everyone go out on the deck and watch it shoot up in the sky, and I remembered how great our freedom is. Thank you to all the soldiers who are risking their lives for this freedom! We went out for ice cream after this and then stopped at the video store. They had a bunch on sale for $3 and we found "Vacation" with the very original Clark Griswold. John does the greatest imitation of him when we're on vacation, and the kids agree so far. I forgot that the language is kind of bad in it though, so I would hesitate to recommend it for kids.

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