Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Adventures of Edward and His Mother

One of the benefits of Edward running in races over the summer is that he collects many t-shirts to augment his school wardrobe. This is quite valuable since he DOES NOT LIKE to go shopping. He ran a race on the 4th of July in Dorr, Michigan, and finally collected his shirt TODAY on the 19th after what amounted to an over two week shopping trip. Several phone calls, e-mails, miscommunications, trips to Dorr, etc... were made resulting in the family song "Edward's daily wastedtriptodorr" which is sung to the tune of "Maria's daily spill." It was getting ridiculous.

june 024

So today, we got THE call, the shirt was finally in. And this afternoon, Edward & I embarked with great hope on our final journey to Dorr, I with my camera in hand. (Not that he couldn't go alone, I was just up for the adventure) . Dorr is a small farming community about 12 miles south of us and we take Rte. 131 most of the way. We were told in one of the e-mail messages that this place where you pick up the shirts is at the bottom of the hill, and on one of our earlier visits, we had discerned which of the many slight rolling inclines constituted the "Dorr Hill." He let me take a picture of the Dorr sign for later blogging, but it was covered up by a mailbox.
june 026r
Can you believe it? He actually turned around and let me take it again but I had to be super quick so no one he knew would see us.
june 025
So we picked up the shirt- even though the sign on the door said they were closed, there was someone there. The shirt actually has a picture of a running Door, even though it's spelled "Dorr". And he was glad it was white so I won't ever have to tell him it doesn't match his shorts.
On the way home, we were driving down the highway, and Edward told me a joke about this guy who was driving down a highway and talking on his cell phone to a friend. He told his friend where he was, and his friend said to be careful, they said on the radio there was a maniac driving the wrong way. He said, "One maniac, there are hundreds of them!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great joke, Edward! Eric and I can really relate to it as everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road here as well.

Anyway, glad to hear that the Dorr adventures came to a successful end.