Saturday, May 13, 2006

Race Day

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John & Edward walking to the Big Race.

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John crossing the street on his way to the Big Race.

John, Edward & I headed downtown this morning before 7 am because John ran in the Fifth Third 25K Riverbank Run. This race is the national championship for 25K's, and there were over 5000 runners! It takes 5-6 minutes for them all just to cross over the start line and it is an amazing sight to see.
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The Amazing Sight

Since it is in G.R. it is fun to see many people that we know there. Even the president of Fifth Third Bank who was a friend of mine at Calvin was there (of course) & I talked to her briefly. She was there to hold the finish line up.
John finished the race at 2 hours and 3 minutes which is about 7 minutes faster than last year! (He was in about 1100th place out of 5000.) I was having difficulty getting pictures of people with the combination of cold, drizzle, rain, umbrella, excitement, slow shutter release, people, but I managed to get one of John right after he crossed the finish line.

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He just crossed the finish line in a white shirt and light gray shorts. The building on the left behind the finish line is where I worked for 15 years.

The end of the day which is really the beginning but looks like the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This weather is typical for the River Bank Run it is either hot and humid or rainy. The start of the race is awesome I do enjoy watching all those runners it creates a "runners high" which you get a lot of times after a big race.
