Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!!! 2010!

ed medal
Edward starts the year off right by getting a 2nd place medal in the Resolution Run (actually took place on Dec. 31)

John & I had a fairly quiet New Year's Eve because the kids were all with friends. We went downtown for awhile to check out the scene and John took my picture with his Blackberry in front of the GR version of the ball up high on a crane. I was very bundled up for the cold and had a silly hat on if you can't tell. There were zillions of people down there (someone thought 30,000 throughout the night, but I don't know about that). We went home to watch a movie and ring in the New Year by the fire.


Van said...

Pictures- they are full of so many words. I enjoyed them.

Elizabeth said...

I watched all cuddled up under my new fury blanket, the activity on Times Square. Life is good!