Saturday, September 08, 2007

Piece of Pie

elderberry pie and ice cream 9 7 07 002-2

Yesterday, a friend of mine at work brought in a pie with raspberries she had picked from her garden. When you think about how work is (especially at a non-profit), you can imagine what a bright spot this pie was to our morning. I took a bite, and the flavor burst in my mouth like the best thing in the whole world at that second. I told her I wished I had my camera with me because the pie looked so bloggable. Then, this morning, Mom sent me a picture of the elderberry pie she had made from elderberries from Amish country. She hadn't made or eaten one for 15 years because they are rather rare. I wonder how it tasted - I don't remember.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely picture. Trust me, it was delicious!!

Anonymous said...

I knew that picture was from "Elizabeth" before reading your blog. The luscious looking pie, lovely table setting, the "teacup"...can only come from her. I've had her pie before....savoring every bite.