Sunday, September 09, 2007

General Revelation

Bridget journaling under a tree

Bridget's enthusiastic science teacher has given them an assignment to do a plot study for the next few months. It's the same time-tested assignment that Edward and Maria did back in seventh grade and now, it's finally Bridget's turn. Every week or so she will have to go back to the same place and make observations for a half an hour.
At school the other night, her science teacher told us that in many school, kids look at the wonders of science and say "wow", but in our school, we look at all the wonders, then we look up and say, "WOW!"


pearlie said...

That's 2 cool things to do - journaling and looking up :)
Bridget is lefthanded?

pearlie said...

You are quoted ;)

Jewels said...

Yes, she's a leftie.