Thursday, December 07, 2006

10,000 Steps

Yesterday, I met my friend Ruth for a walk through the neighborhood. I always walk in the afternoons and she told me she would like to go with me some Wednesday afternoon. So we met somewhere between our houses and her pedometer was already at 6795 steps for the day because it was 1:30 pm.
winter 023
6,795 so far

Do you remember a few years ago the big thing was that to get your proper exercise in for the day, you should walk at least 10,000 steps?

When we were walking, Ruth spotted this ahead and said, "That better not be a dead animal,"
winter 025
and the good news is that, no it was just 2 chunks of ice, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it here because as we also discussed, this blog is all sweetness and light.

At the end of our walk, she was at 10,230 steps for a grand total of 3,435 on our walk. So good job Ruth... way to get those steps in for the day!

So Ruth gave me these verses to think about when we are stepping about:
Job 14:16 "Surely then you will count my steps."
Proverbs 14:15 "A prudent man gives thoughts to his steps."


Anonymous said...

Hey Julia - thanks for including this. I feel almost famous!

I know you have included running verses before with cross country....
Job 14:16 "Surely then you will count my steps."
Proverbs 14:15 "A prudent man gives thoughts to his steps."

Jewels said...

Hi Ruth,

Almost famous?! You are very famous now! Thanks for the verses - you can see I added them.

Roadcrosser said...

Hi Julia,

Just wondering, how do you keep track of how many steps you have taken?

Jewels said...

Hi Roadcrosser,

As you know, I am pretty good at math so I keep track in my head. jk!!! But really, once you have worn a pedometer for a while and you know your general activity level, you get the idea.

pearlie said...

Hi Julia,
Just so you know - roadcrosser is Calvin :)

Jewels said...

Maeghan, Oh yeah, I thought it might be you in his log in. I hope he comes again to comment.