Monday, January 25, 2010


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Yesterday was a big day - all of our kids made profession of faith in church!! Indeed, it was so exciting, I struggled with the photography. They started out by telling about their faith and what it means to them. Bridget talked about her favorite song, "In Christ Alone", which she had asked the band to play. Edward talked about going away to Amsterdam and taking this step before he goes. Maria showed a video which she had made of her photography & painting and talked about how she sees God in the world:

Along with our church and family and grandparents from out of state, many friends showed up to offer their support. Here is Bridget with some of her friends:

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Such an incredibly awesome day!


Marianna said...

What an awesome day that must have been!

S. Etole said...

what a blessing your children are ...

faithvv said...

I'm not going to lie, tears formed watching Maria's video. She obviously inherited her mother's keen eye for beauty. Congratulations to your entire family for the statement you make, not just on a special day like yesterday, but everyday. John and Julia you have been blessed!

Deirdre Honner said...

Awesome pictures.

ELK said...

julia.. this is a big step for teens and in front of everyone...such a blessing!

pearlie said...

Wow .. this is so special.

spread your wings said...

what an awesome day indeed. it gave me goose bumps to think of all 3 of your children making that step together - what a special day for all of you.