Monday, March 09, 2009

Our 5-Star Saturday Evening

Saturday evening, John & I were invited to the home of our friends Paul & Deirdre in East Grand Rapids for dinner. Wow, I cannot say enough good things about the amazing supper and what very, very gracious hosts they were! Paul, one of the chemist-turned-chef's that I have come to know and love, made Dierdre's favorite, Tenderloin Deluxe, along with green salad with homemade honey/dijon mustard/olive oil dressing, long-grain wild rice and asparagus. I won't soon forget the way the beef tenderloin melted in my mouth or the way the rice, asparagus and salad all complimented one another. The Cabernet which John had been advised to get at Russo's (knock on 3, move back 2, just kidding) was perfect with the meal.

paul deirdre triptych

paul square
Paul waits for the meat to reach optimum temperature.

The Handsome One

And of course this post would not be complete without a photo of their very handsome German Shepherd, Samson. I noticed there were so many pictures of him on Deirdre's blog and Facebook, and now I know why. He is just so handsome!!! And he has the most soulful eyes I have seen on a dog. I would take his picture all the time too, and I am so glad to know another person so nuts about photography.


Paul's Blog said...

I hope that you and John like my rack-o-lamb recipe, too. Knock three, move back two. ;->

Deirdre Honner said...

Awe, what a beautiful face. :) Thanks for coming, we had a blast. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a good Monday!

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Sounds like a great evening...

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good evening with friends!