Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Eyes of Faith

girls tent

One of Bridget's first assignments of her 8th grade year was to write about her most significant faith experience of the summer either at a camp or at a church. She came home from school that day and told me she had decided to write about what happened on our church campout. What follows is this experience in her own words as written for her school paper.

A couple weeks ago our church had a campout. Our family came Saturday morning and we had a fun day packed with things to do. Saturday night we were having a worship time full of singing and prayer. Our good friend Cathy had been having problems with her back and had recently found out that she had a bulging disc. Someone suggested that we all gather around her and pray. We all circled around her and prayed for a fast recovery and for her back to heal. We hoped that God would answer our prayers quickly and give her a fast recovery.

The next day we all packed up and headed out to eat at a restaurant. Our family arrived at the restaurant but we soon noticed that Cathy and her kids were not coming. My mom called her up and found out that Cathy had pulled over because she had lost feeling in her legs and could not drive. She ended up getting driven to the restaurant by a member of our church. After we ate, Cathy called her doctor, who told her to go to the emergency room. We drove down to Spectrum Health and my mom waited with Cathy to go see a doctor. They waited a long time and then finally got in to see a doctor, who then told her that she would need surgery. She had surgery that same night and got out of the hospital a few days later. We were all amazed at how quickly and how well God answered our prayers. This proves that God is truly an amazing God!

summer 241


Anonymous said...

hmmm sounds like an A paper to me!!

Jewels said...

Well done Bridgie! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great when your kids see the work of God. I'll be glad when The Bean starts sharing this with me.