Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What is Truth?

I actually remembered when I woke up yesterday that it was April Fool's Day so I was on guard and it was working out good for me. John told Bridget she could go back to bed because school was cancelled and I quick blurted "April Fool's" because I don't like to see people be disappointed.

Bridget came home from school at 3:35pm and excitedly told me about all the jokes that were made in school that day in the name of April 1. I was amused. The truth is, on this day, watch out or you'll be fooled.

Oh, remember that picture of me eating a donut that was in the Brian Diemer 5K brochure? Today a friend wrote to tell me it is on their website this year. I thought this was pretty cool so I sent the link to John. He called me later in the afternoon to tell me he also saw the picture on a billboard on 68th street on the way to work. I was so excited at the thought of a bigger than life picture of me out there - I don't know why, I just thought it would be funny. He told me it was that billboard by the railroad tracks and I couldn't picture it, so he said it was that one that says April Billboards at the bottom, so I said what side of the road is it on, and he said you see it when you're driving TO school. I was all, why do they like that picture so much??? I still couldn't picture where the billboard was, so he told me it's the one that says I finally got it.


Anonymous said...

My favorite April Fool's joke was when my brother and I changed all the clocks and calendars in the house and told my sister she had slept for a month when she woke up that day. She believed us for a while which was probably more to do with the fact that she was about 8 and less to do with our amazing sales skills. But it's a fun memory that I think about every April Fool's day. Thanks for sharing.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

That was a good one. I did the old stand-by and told a co-worker I was pregnant. Not very original. Who invented this crazy day?

Jewels said...

Kim- What a good memory!

Robin- That would be a riot if I was around you that day! One of my co-workers did the "I'm engaged" one. I guess the best ones are probably the little ones.

Gracie said...


Wait, Julia, r u saying that the billboard is a "little one?" Cuz that seems pretty huge to me. :-)

Jewels said...

Gracie- No, there was no billboard. It was an April Fool's joke by the ever-funny John.

pearlie said...

April Fools aren't so big with the adults here though the kids have a rave with it in school I presume. I started work in my current company on April Fools in 2004, so Apr 1st is an absolutely good day for me :) every year.

ELK said...

good job John....I've never heard of that..your date says April 2 btw?