Sunday, March 09, 2008

Greener Pastures

maria wc2
Watercolor by Maria

Today in church, Pastor Amy talked about shepherds. At the end, we read Psalm 23 and were given the opportunity to pray silently about the phrases in that chapter. I was thinking about how God lets us rest in the green pastures and how His goodness follows us always. When we got home, Maria showed me the painting above which she just finished - a good reminder of very green pastures. Durning Bible times, the pastures weren't nearly so lush which makes the verse even more meaningful. If we follow Him, He leads us to what we need even if we are going through more arid times. I especially love the last verse - how His goodness follows us or pursues us always.


Anonymous said...

lovely picture and greeat bible passage!!!!

Anonymous said...

oops i meant to say great.