Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Origins of Leo, or Dumb Moments in My Life

The other day when Edward & I were walking in front of Ford's Presidential Museum downtown, we saw a kitty on the banks of the Grand River. It was very cute, we started saying stupid things and it reminded us of this comic.

Last night, the girls were talking about how we ended up getting our kitty. As they recalled, Bridget was probably 4 years old and in pre-school. I took her to the pet store, and she said so wistfully, I wish I had a bunny. Who could resist?
I said, without thinking, How about a kitty? It seemed more exciting to me than a stinky bunny in a cage. So we ended up getting a free cat who was born in a barn. The girls wondered aloud how different our life would be without Leo, and they concluded that there would probably be less stupid moments.
kitty 004 sunday 028
christmas 039 sunday 038
edward maria 005 sunday 017
Oh well, he has given us something to do together even if it is to be stupid.


Anonymous said...

Our dear little pets give us an excuse to be stupid!

Jewels said...

So true, Elizabeth. What would you do without little Beatrix?

Anonymous said...

I think at times they bring out the best in us!

Unknown said...

Bunnies are not stinky!

Jewels said...

I was trying to get a rise out of you Uncle Al!!!