Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Going Nuts!

The almonds that call out my name every day at 5pm

Usually, I'm so hungry I can hardly make it to supper. This is the time of day when I eat my "5 daily almonds" to get some vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fibre and monounsaturated fat. Except, I usually end up eating at least 10. Today, I expanded their pleasure by taking a photograph. Mmmm-mmm.


Marianna said...

10 whole almonds! Why Julia, you naughty girl you!

Unknown said...

Lined up like a flight of F16s .....

MaryAnn Ashley said...

They look delicious... I can taste the salt - perfect dof!

spread your wings said...

i love almonds - i can't ever stop at 5

ELK said...

yay for almonds...looks like you have support group here, I'll join!