Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bridgie's Fun, Fun Birthday

We had a fun celebration last night for our dear 15 year old birthday girl! We went to TGI Friday's for supper where they gave her a birthday crown and all the waiters and waitresses stopped by our table throughout supper to give her a sticker! I forgot to bring my camera, but John captured the memory with his blackberry.

The staff all came with a sundae clapping and singing one of those really loud and fast songs and made Bridgie stand on her chair with her crown. Oh, birthdays are so fun!!!

We ended the day's festivities at home with cake, strawberries, whipping cream and presents.

bridget's b-day cake


Dine With Donna said...

Happy Birthday Bridget! Jewels, I can't believe you left your camera behind! You are always so with it for a great shot. It appears it did not diminish the birthday celebration!

ELK said...

what a nice family shot ...