Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's astounding. Time is fleeting.


Yesterday afternoon before Bridget's bus arrived, I was out on my daily walk, camera in hand, meditating on the ephemeral nature of the spring flowers and thinking how my youngest daughter will be 14 on Sunday. The above quote from a song, which I read on my friend Deirdre's facebook page, kept going through my head. She also loves to take pictures, to capture this fleeting time. Taking pictures helps me to pay attention and I don't want to miss Spring or these childhoods that are passing through our home.

tulip5 tulip4
tulip2 tulip

I didn't take many photos in the neighborhood as I was feeling a bit shy with my camera for some strange reason. Thankfully, I found these yellow tulips, which I forgot I planted in our own yard, so I could get on the ground and do my thing. Just as I began, I heard the bus round the corner and my fleeting soon to be 14 year old got off and appreciated the whole scene of her mother trying to capture these transient moments.

bus bridget diptych


Deirdre Honner said...

Beautiful! Part of the class today was encouragement to get out and take pictures - not wait for the perfect moment, perfect set up, etc. But to get out and tell stories.

And you tell the BEST stories with your camera!!

Jewels said...

Thanks D - Bridget loves to tell the story now of how she got off the bus to see me laying on the yard, lol. Always glad to make a good memory for her, lol.

Can't wait to hear more about your class!

spread your wings said...

love the yellow school bus and the yellow tulips

ELK said...

so touching...
the blooms aiming for the sky...your "baby" too!

pearlie said...

I was feeling a bit shy with my camera for some strange reasonI always feel this way with my camera :)

I love the tulip shot!