Monday, June 16, 2008

The National Cathedral

Picture 002a

On our way out to the OBX, we stopped in Washington DC for the Sunday Morning Service at the National Cathedral, aka the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. We went to the early service of the Episcopal church. The part I will remember the most is when we took the Holy Communion. The priests said "The Body of Christ, Bread of Heaven" as you took the wafer which is not new, but what made it so remarkable is that one of the priests had a microphone, so you could hear this phrase being echoed over and over several hundred times through the cavernous building as hopeful people came forward. It was cool.

1 comment:

pearlie said...

Hey there - I have been trying to leave a comment for the last 3 times today :( and finally :)

echoed over and over several hundred times through the cavernous building
Wow, that must have been awesome. That's the thing with the newer buildings - the sounds are usually absorbed by paddings on chairs, etc.