Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today we are thinking of this: life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Here is Edward happily reacting to the 5th or 6th time this week he had to put a tire or a spare on his car. We got it "fixed" several times. He called from school today and it was flat again!

2007 01 23 002_edited-1

2007 01 23 004_edited-1

Actually, it's more like "Ma-a-a-a-ahm, why do you have to take a picture?"


pearlie said...

I really have not been around lately :) Great pictures - the show, the hydrant, the cat and the son! Great new look too - good start to the new year 2007, eh?

pearlie said...

oops, the snow I mean.

Jewels said...

Great to hear from you. I have wanted to re-do the header forever and now with photoshop, I could. I can't believe I can come to the pearlie gates anytime now!